1.) Around Spring Break, just as the weather was finally warming up, I lost my rainbow flip-flops. After searching my suite quite thoroughly, I assumed I'd left them on the Jackson trip and took them for dead. During Dorm Crew last week, cleaning the dorm of a slight acquaintance who I didn't visit
once during or after Spring Break, I found a flip-flop wedged between a table and the wall that looked remarkably like mine. My workers didn't believe that it could possibly be mine. "If it's really yours," one of them said, "the toe marks will match up." I proceeded to take off my sneaker, strip off my sock, slip my foot into the shoe, and--lo and behold--the toe marks matched. A true Cinderella story. Too bad I never found the second flip-flop.
2.) Yesterday, I went to the dubbing station to burn my video projects to a DVD, and there, on top of the dubbing station, was the first short project I ever made in my first video class a year ago. I've used the dubbing station half a dozen times the last semester--in fact, I searched the station thoroughly the last time I used it looking for a blank DVD--and there I've never seen any tapes of mine in there before. What's more, the title written on the tape wasn't in my handwriting.
3.) Perhaps the weirdest story of them all: As you might remember, I visited NYC about a month ago to secure my internship and find housing. On the bus trip down, I took off my gold coin earrings to take a nap, and when I woke up, I forgot all about them and left them on the seat (or so I thought). I'm currently on my way back to NYC for said internship--same bus company, different bus seat, probably a different bus. I'm wearing brand new shorts and a new shirt, both obtained within the past two weeks. About five minutes ago, I looked down on my lap, and
there were my earrings. Not crammed down in the seat, not on the floor, but
on my lap. The other mysteries have plausible solutions, but this one blows my mind. I have no idea how they got there.
4.) This has nothing to do with losing or finding things, but a bird ran into me yesterday. Just plowed into my shin while it was flying and I was walking. It fell to the ground, and we were both stunned for a fraction of a second; then it flew away and I kept walking. Do birds fly into people often?
I also found my license--which I'd been missing for nearly a year--in an old book I started reading last summer but never finished. I must have been using it as a bookmark. Note to self: bad idea.