1.) I can tell which of my five roommates is taking a shower by the color of the towel on the rack. I find this strangely comforting.
2.) In a little more than a month, I will spend my days in Manhattan working with one of the first video artists in the world in Manhattan, and I will spend my nights in Williamsburg with nine 20-something artists in a huge, half-finished loft. My summer is going to be ridiculous.
3.) In the past year, a total of three women sitting directly across from me on the subway have burst into tears. I don't ride the subway often--once a month max--so it's a bizarre coincidence.
4.) It is not a reasonable goal to walk the length of New York City in one day. At least not if you're easily distracted. And in flip flops.
5.) Good things always happen with the worst possible timing. My theory is that when the timing is terrible, you've got nothing to lose. When you've got nothing to lose, it's easier to take a risk. The bigger the risk, the bigger the potential payoff. Thus, risks = happiness.
6.) I cry more during movie previews than I do during movies. Which is not a lot, but still weird.
7.) 90% of the music I listen to the most was introduced to me in high school. 90% of that 90% was introduced to me by my roommate. My music library has become totally stagnant. This is no good at all. I think I'll organize a mixed tape exchange immediately.
wait, isn't meares on RH? you should hit that and not quit that.
I walk past her room every time I go to the bathroom, so I pretty much know what she's listening to. I've gotten some crazy good stuff from her (Amplive, for example... holy shit, it's so good), but the rest of it I'm not really into or already know.
It's not general at all. That's the whole point.
My towels are purple and turquoise. For future reference.
Why would anyone cry at a preview?
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