...But one man sent alone. I'm the only one available in my rooming group to take our appointment today to choose our future suite, and I'm nervous I'm going to screw it up. Yes, it should be straightforward. Yes, we've worked out every example and counterexample, and I know which room to pick in any situation. I know it should be a piece of cake, but... Well, let me put it this way: if my rooming group were to take a poll on the most scatterbrained roommate, the result would be unanimous. It's a risky business putting me in charge of anything so important.
Our new roommate, Cathy, drew a great number for us in the housing lottery. (She's a lucky duck!) The only big group ahead of us is choosing the one corner suite we don't want, so we basically have our pick of party rooms. We're thinking of sticking close to home and taking the big six-man currently through our fire door. If we play our cards right, we'll end up living next door to this good-looking fellow and his roommates (Cathy's blockmates and good friends of our whole rooming group). Even if we don't play our cards right, we'll end up next to Jim, Dick, and friends, and that would be pretty awesome, too.
don't worry, girl!
just remember- T****** Trumps All!!!
the resident b**ch
Greatest advice ever. :) Thanks, babe.
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