Yesterday was the perfect day. The sun was shining, I finished my problem set a full day early, they passed out free ice cream at comp sci office hours... It was one of those ideal moments. I even started humming that terrible song from the opening of "Legally Blonde" while I was walking through Harvard Yard.
Everything went smoothly with room-picking. I somehow didn't screw anything up, and we ended up with the big corner suite through our fire door. I'm ridiculously excited... I've burst through the fire door at least a dozen times to admire our new room. We're open to suggestions for a sweet suite name if you have any ideas.
No more zebrazone? Porque?
casting my vote for HippoHome this time around
Out with the old, in with the new! Besides, we need a cooler name. Let's see YOU try to woo handsome Mather men by inviting them to your Zebra Zone. Kidding, mostly, but we really never intended to give it such a dorky name.
Malin, what do you think of Bro Zone? I'm so serious. The idea has been generally well-received, but Risa is really gung-ho about Monkey Madhouse.
Le Slamzone (It's French for The Palace).
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