w00t, this sounds very interesting. Looking forward to keeping an eye on it as it develops...
Hey, thanks Max! Looks like we're the inverse of one another, blog-wise.
you have a blog?? YES!(i stalk you on gchat)love a
I do! It's brand new! I tried to look at yours, but it isn't working for me... Glad to see it's rated G, though. There's nothing better than fun for the whole family.
probably good the link isn't working - it's not particularly interesting, just a way to disseminate information to members of my extended family. :)
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w00t, this sounds very interesting. Looking forward to keeping an eye on it as it develops...
Hey, thanks Max! Looks like we're the inverse of one another, blog-wise.
you have a blog?? YES!
(i stalk you on gchat)
I do! It's brand new! I tried to look at yours, but it isn't working for me... Glad to see it's rated G, though. There's nothing better than fun for the whole family.
probably good the link isn't working - it's not particularly interesting, just a way to disseminate information to members of my extended family. :)
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